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Workshops and School Events

Max Your Classes workshops and school events are designed to support and empower the teaching community! Whether you're an educator looking to enhance your skills or seeking inspiration for your classroom, our carefully crafted sessions provide a dynamic platform to gain practical teaching strategies, and foster a collaborative network that nurtures growth and innovation in education. Together, let's elevate the teaching experience and create a positive impact on students' lives.

New 2023

Europe Code Week 

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Would you like to hold an event but don't know how?
Let us help!

We have 1 - 2 hour workshops which give teachers and students the tools to introduce students to coding and computational thinking



A step towards EdTech Implementation


Desbloqueja el poder de les competències digitals amb els nostres tallers dinàmics i atractius dissenyats específicament per a tu. 

  • Dotar els educadors d'eines i coneixements per fomentar les competències digitals en els seus alumnes.

  • Millorar les habilitats digitals i l'alfabetització dels estudiants per a l'èxit futur.

  • Promoure el pensament crític, la creativitat, la col·laboració i la resolució de problemes mitjançant la tecnologia.

  • Fomentar una ciutadania digital responsable i pràctiques de seguretat en línia.


A workshop to teach pronunciation, stress and intonation. This activity shows students how to use music to learn English



This activity teaches students how to create dialogues for different everyday situations. This session includes fun drama games, and voice projection exercises.

Drama Class


CLIL activities customised for language learning from the British Science Association



This set of workshops are designed to show students how to think creatively, analyse, negotiate, collaborate, and communicate a fun project with a serious learning.

These children play the ancient game of tug-of-war. The photo was taken on the day during


English Day is themed day in the school where the children are provided with activites to encourage them to speak English. You provide the theme and we design the activities


All of our activities can be fully customised to meet your exact needs.

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